Archive | August, 2012

Terravision: A Love Story

28 Aug

When I studied abroad in Rome, Italy, I was a typical, unknowledgeable young American girl. I paid for cabs to try to make it to class on time. I was a newby traveler of the highest order. I had traveled plenty with my parents luckily throughout high school, but I never had to do much thinking of my own. Now, working abroad in Rome, I have discovered the millions of ways I just threw money down the toilet. I met “someone” truly wonderful. I met my first Terravision bus. For the meager fee of 4 euro, one can find their way, in a fairly comfortable environment, between the Termini strain station in Rome and the Ciampino Airport. 4 euro! Do you know how much money I squandered traveling every weekend to the airport via taxis? A lot. Alright maybe it wasn’t that bad because it was usually split between a few of us, but even still, I have spent far more than I ever should have. But, I had not had the pleasure of meeting sweet Terravision yet. I had no idea that things could be so lovely. Coming from a midwestern, suburban girl, a bus from “home” to the aiport for less than the price of 2 gallons of gas is a mindblowing concept. I might be exaggerating, but it is still a great option for anyone on a budget. With transports to and from both of Rome’s airports for 5 Euro or less, it is a great thing to know about before you hop into one of the city’s price-hiking, albeit charming and fearless, taxi cabs!

…Terravision, you had my heart from the start!